
Roosevelt Island Daily: 2 Roosevelt Islanders Are Women of Distinction – Seawright WOD ’23

Every year, state assembly member Rebecca Seawright praises a distinguished group as Women of Distinction. This year, WOD ’23, two active community members make the list: Susana del Campo Perea and Yulisa Santana. The ceremony for the awards is on May 10th, and you are invited. Celebrate these outstanding women with AM Seawright.

Rebecca Seawright’s Women of Distinction Awards is a yearly celebration of outstanding women in New York City. Each year, the ceremony honors prominent female role models who have achieved professional excellence and contributed significantly to their community. These women symbolize the strength and resilience of New York City’s female population, while also shedding light on the importance of recognizing and celebrating female success. Join us in saluting these inspiring honorees for their courageous contributions to our city.

Susana del Campo Perea

Best known as “Susy,” Susana del Campo Perea is an energetic contributor to community life on Roosevelt Island. As a mom, she finds time to lead a local Girl Scout Troup on its annual, fundraising cookie drive.

As a community voice, she consistently makes her opinions know on various forums, including The Daily on multiple occasions.

“We are Junior Girl Scouts of Troop 3233, we are working on our Bronze Award,” her daughters, Leire and Itziar, told us last month. And “We do Community Service in and for Roosevelt Island. We are athletes, and we just won 2nd place with our RI Girl Scouts team “Tech Hoppers” at the NYC Finals of First Lego League.

Those of us who know Susy wonder where she gets the energy or finds the time.

But it’s not all so simple. Susy is also busy when the time comes for action. During COVID, she was a strong advocate of face mask wearing and spoke out in public.

Once, she took her daughters off a Red Bus when the driver would not order passengers to wear masks as required.

She has also fiercely spoken up against official racial discrimination on Roosevelt Island, as an advocate as well as a victim.

Yulisa Santana

One great thing about the WOD ’23 awards is that they recognize women who contribute quietly and effectively without making noise. Here, Yulisa Santana’s sunny, consistent professionalism stands out in her work as Outreach Coordinator at the CBN/RI Older Adult Center.

“So well deserved!” declared the Center’s manager Lisa Fernandez. “She has made a positive impact on so many of our members.  Not only does she go above and beyond in her position, the center could not run as well as it does without her.”

And a well run Older Adult Center was not always in the cards.

When Yulisa first stepped in as Case Manager, the Carter Burden Network, brought in on an emergency basis, was just getting its footing. After the Center nearly collapsed under previous management, the job of fixing, repairing and stabilizing was arduous and made harder by misleading and dishonest local reporting.

With Yulisa, though, while fully aware of what the staff was up against, her sunny disposition rarely faltered. For her, it never seemed a battle.

She was going to serve her community of older adults and get the job done with optimism and skill.

Her promotion to the critical role of Outreach Coordinator was an easy call, and she’s continued to exceed expectations for five years running. As a result she shares with the rest of the staff, the CBN/RI Older Adult Center functions as an invaluable resource in our community.

Women of Distinction

It’s not just the women recognized in WOD ’23, it’s also Rebecca Seawright’s consistent support for shining the spotlight and women achievers who get things done for their communities.

Roosevelt Island is blessed with strong women leaders, and this year, the community cheers two of the effective – Yulisa Santana and Susana del Campo Perea. Their roles in the human architecture of our community can’t be replaced.

By David Stone

Read full article here

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