
U.S. Census 2020

Carter Burden Network (CBN) is a proud community partner of the U.S. Census 2020 to get the word out about the very important, safe, secure, confidential and federally protected census surveys. Your response to the census survey questions will help to determine the population size and community needs. Beginning March 2020, for the first time, the U.S. Census is available online.

Make sure you are counted! CBN will have 2020 Census information available throughout our centers and offices.   

“The census is required by the Constitution, which has called for an "actual enumeration" once a decade since 1790. The 2020 population numbers will shape how political power and federal tax dollars are shared in the U.S over the next 10 years. The number of congressional seats and Electoral College votes each state gets is determined by census numbers. They also guide how an estimated $880 billion a year in federal funding is distributed for schools, roads, and other public services in local communities. The demographic data are used by businesses to determine, for example, where to build new supermarkets and by emergency responders to locate injured people after natural disasters. Learn more about Census 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq-FMB4epyw
