
Artistry at Any Age: Emily & Tony Urquhart's Inspirational Trip to Carter Burden Gallery

There is a common misconception that aging diminishes creativity, motivation, and a desire to be successful, but Tony Urquhart is a prime example of just the opposite. As one of Canada’s most prominent and influential abstractionists, Urquhart continues to prove that true artistry never leaves the mind or soul. His daughter Emily calls this stage of her father’s career his “third act,” and despite a diagnosis of dementia in his 80’s, says that the paintings of his younger years pales in comparison to his most recent work. Tony and Emily visited our Carter Burden Gallery on one of their last trips to NYC, and Emily said the experience gave them hope for older creatives who are fighting ageism in the art world. While opportunities seem to unfairly close for seniors like Tony, CBN and Carter Burden Gallery strive to give a voice and recognition to a community still filled with passion, originality, and imagination. Read more about Tony, Emily, and their story here.